
  1. He went from the best foods and pasteries, from the best women to best cars
    and ended up in over rated las Vegas and América in general, France so much
    more BEAUTIFUL and better in every way. He lost his mind!. Most celebrities
    always loose their minds in América any how. Pfff!

  2. you ve never been in marseille, lot of rough places there, you would cry
    bro, life is hard

  3. @MagicJeanPi lol mec tu te trompe je suis plus hard jrock rock jaime pas
    les toute la connerie des gang calme toi 🙂

  4. @flower93600 Clip nul ? LOOOL Il t’en faut beaucoup toi Le clip est mortel,
    tu dois etre de ce qui aime les clip de lorie lol

  5. Trop de jalousie c’est sa quand on atteint les sommets respect b20 de
    Lunatic a maintenant toujours le meilleur

  6. @yoshimiyavi Arrête de bander espèce de bouffon, tu fait parti de ces
    idiots qui trouvent ça stylé les gangstas tout le bordel. Remballe. RIP

  7. de la Roumanie connexion française française et les roumains frères du rap
    ! Respect pour Rap il n’est pas mort !

  8. @TheCharlyvideos no, i just think french is the langue of love, and that is
    something to be proud of, than his voice sounds really bad to me (i’ve no
    idea of what he say in the video)

  9. @Cla89 In france we have a lots of gangsta not like yours but they do the
    same shit and then Booba Lived in states and he do more songs in english
    and he come back to french

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